Inclusive Insurance


Our microinsurance (MI) projects include actuarial pricing, experience analysis, and live and online training with the A2ii and ILO. Jeff Blacker is the principal editor of Actuaries in Microinsurance, an anthology published in October 2015 by ACTEX publications. Please see below for a listing of our MI projects.


Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii)

  • Lead trainer of "Actuarial Skills Training" for insurance regulators
  • Adapted live curriculum to a virtual format in a manner suitable for e-learning
  • Delivered training to insurance supervisors in Sub-Saharan Africa (2021) and Latin America (2022)

International Labour Organization (ILO)

  • Lead trainer at "Pricing for Inclusive Insurance" workshop for 4 days in Nigeria and Rwanda
  • Adapted curriculum for online training in Uganda due to Covid

Actuaries in Microinsurance, Principal Editor

  • Available on Amazon <---click to open
  • A collaborative book written by actuaries about their MI experience
  • The target audience includes actuaries working in traditional markets who desire to learn more about MI, young actuaries living in developing regions where there is a need for greater actuarial capacity, and MI workers who desire to learn more about the actuarial aspects of MI

Kenya New Product Pricing

  • Priced accident insurance for passengers injured on public buses (i.e. "matatus")
  • Priced an insurance product combinng hospital cash, life, and disability coverages

Kenya Comprehensive Health Experience Analysis

  • Analyzed claims experience for health microinsurance
  • Identified sources of anti-selection and recommended changes to improve sustainability of the product

Guatemala Actuarial Pricing

  • Developed a pricing model for women's health screening, cancer, and life insurance benefits
  • Wrote policy language, actarial memorandum, and policy application
  • Worked closely with reinsurer to finalize life insurance mortality assumptions

Nicaragua Actuarial Pricing

  • Subject matter expert for ILO Joint Mission Project
  • Worked in Managua, Nicaragua while pricing MI products including life, credit life, accident, and preventative health screenings
  • Provided spreadsheet models and documentation for local actuarias to update assumptions and pricing as experience data becomes available.

REDCAMIF (Central American Microfinance Network) Speaker

  • Panelist at REDCAMIF's Foro Regional Microseguros in Panama City, Panama
  • Presented "Importance of Data:  Product Design and Pricing"

Global Credit Life Experience Analysis

  • Provided data requirements for analyzing microfinance credit life insurance pricing
  • Performed experience analysis on microfinance credit life insurance

Microinsurance Academy (India) Speaker

  • Speaker and content developer for Reinsrance School held in New Delhi, India
  • Developed tool for pricing benefit packages and illustrating reinsurance agreements